12. jul, 2019

70th prize in AS Golden - Race 3 (220km)

 Our "RAKET 180" won a 70th prize in today's race no.3 in AS Golden from 220km. 

This bird is after our "Heijnen & Soon" and "Drapa" bloodlines

Race 3 seems to be a very hard race, so we are now satisfied to have 3 birds ranked at the 25% with some ACE point's in this race, and at least 6 birds ready for the semi-final next week. 

The next race from about 280km is the Benzing Cup Final were we still have both of our Benzing birds ready for the final. 

Last year we won a 2nd prize in the Benzing Cup Final, so we are now looking forward to the up-comming race.

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