29. aug, 2018

25p + 39p + 69p at COSTA del SOL – Race 2 (170km)!!

Very nice result at the race 2 in COSTA del SOL, were our «DIONA» won a 25 prize (ranked 4th ACE bird after 2 of 6 races), «TOBY PLAZE» won a 39 prize and «DONAR» won a 69 prize.

«DIONA» is after our Götz bloodlines. Mother won 78th prize in Ostseeflug Usedom OLR Final 2016 and is a full-sister "ZIGGY" who won 1st price in the Talent Quatro FCI Final 2017 (420km)

«TOBY PLAZE» is after our Nico van Noordenne, Jens Borker and Gaby Vandenabele bloodlines

«DONAR» is after our Nico van Noordenne and Ulrich Lemmens (De GUST) bloodlines.

Looking forward for the next race at Friday 31st of August.

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