23. aug, 2018

34 prize + 79 prize in the CORABIA FCI Final (368km)!

Good performance in the Corabia FCI final were our «BUTCHER 77» won a 34 prize, and «PILSEN 82» won a 79 prize. This race was the FCI final in the Corabia OLR and give us some nice FCI points.

«BUTCHER 77» is after our Götz bloodlines. Mother won 78th prize in Ostseeflug Usedom OLR Final 2016 and is a full-sister "ZIGGY" who won 1st price in the Talent Quatro FCI Final 2017 (420km)

«PILSEN 82» is after our OLR bloodlines from Wichert were both parents have raced in one loft race.

Next race is the semifinal from Darabani (515km) at 1st of September. We have still three participation birds in Corabia OLR 2018, in additional to the car competition.

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