23. aug, 2018

10th prize in COSTA DEL SOL - Race 1 (140km)

The first official race in Costa Del Sol went well, were our «DIONA» won a 10th prize towards 1.018 basketed birds. With this result, this bird won also a 3rd prize in the ACE SPEED Championship towards 1.201 starting birds.

«DIONA» is after our Götz bloodlines. Mother won 78th prize in Ostseeflug Usedom OLR Final 2016 and is a full-sister "ZIGGY" who won 1st price in the Talent Quatro FCI Final 2017 (420km)

We are happy with fantastic performance in Costa del Sol, so far, were we have 9 of 9 participated birds ready for the race 2 (170km) at Friday 24th of August.

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