30. jul, 2018

13 prize and 34 prize in MIRA OLR 2018 (Hotspot 2 - 128km)!

Today’s hotspot number 2 in MIRA OLR 2018 (128km) went very well. Our «POKE» won a 13 prize, and «STAR 110» won a 34 prize towards 1.290 birds.

«POKE» is after our «POKERFACE» bloodlines (Drapa) and «TOREROS» bloodlines (Nico van Noordenne).

«STAR 110» is after our «NO LIMIT» - «AMAZING SUPRISE» bloodlines (Nico van Noordenne) and «BLUE WONDER» bloodlines (Drapa).

We are very satisfied with the performance and still having 8 out of 9 participated birds left in the MIRA OLR 2018 competition after 2 of 5 official races.

Many challenges and races left, and we looking forward for the next race the 6th of August(170km).

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