12. jul, 2018

57, 84 and 96 prize in Derby Sofia OLR – Race 3 (200km)!


Today’s race 3 went very well and our «SPEED 84» won a 57th prize, «BUTCHER» won a 84th prize, and «HARRY 49» raced again very well were he won a 96th prize towards 1.620 basketed birds. We are also happy to inform all of our basketed birds for the race 3 are arrived.

 «SPEED 84» is 100% Original Helgesen Racing Pigeons and after our Pokerface bloodlines from Drapa.

 «BUTCHER» is after our new Götz bloodlines. Mother won 78th prize in Ostseeflug Usedom OLR Final 2016 and is a full-sister "ZIGGY" who won 1st price in the Talent Quatro FCI Final 2017 (420km)

 «HARRY 49» is after our Hooymans and Koopman bloodlines. Father won in Corabia 14p in the OLR Final (565km) and 14p in the FCI Final (368km). Mother is 2x Granddaughter of the famous «HARRY» 

AS GOLDEN RACE 3 (220km)

Today’s race 3 seems to be another hard, but a fast race in AS Golden, were our «CRACK 88» has another improvement and won a 228th prize towards 1.152 basketed birds.

We are looking forward for the next races witch are:

  • AS Golden semi-final 290km (19/7)
  • Derby Sofia semi-final 270km (next week)

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