6. jul, 2018

16 prize + 75 prize in Derby Sofia Race 2 (150km)!

In todays hard Derby Sofia Race 2 (first time the pigeons pass over the mountains), our «HARRYS 49» won a 16th prize, and «ATOMIC 52» won a 75th prize towards 2.255 birds.

«HARRY 49» is after our Hooymans and Koopman bloodlines. Father won in Corabia 14p in the OLR Final (565km) and 14p in the FCI Final (368km). Mother is 2x Granddaughter of the famous «HARRY» 

«ATOMIC 52» is after our Nico van Noordenne and OLR winner bloodlines. Father has serveral prizes and also a proven breeder at Nico's racing loft. Mother is a direct Daughter of Algarve Golden Race winner 2015 x Ostseerennen winner 2015!

Still many challenges  left, and we are looking forward for the next race.

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