30. sep, 2017

59 prize in the Algarve Great Derby Final 2017 !!

Both of our final birds are now arrived and we are very satisfied to inform the «NEW RAKET» won 59 prize in the Algarve Great Derby final towards 1.339 final birds.

This results gives our loft nice FCI points and hopefully improves our ranking.

«NEW RAKET» is the first youngster after our new breeding pair from our Dutch friend Heijnen & Zoon. During the spring 2017 we bought this breeding pair for the next year breeding season. With early arrival at our loft, we got breeding the two youngster «NEW RAKET» and «PRINCE OF WSD» already in 2017.

«PRINCE OF WSD» is also ready for a final race (ref. West Slovakia Derby Final at 6th of October, 522km).

FATHER is full brother “THUNDERBIRD” who raced 10th prize in the Derby BROD final 2016, only 16 pigeons on the day (Raket 95 and the first NAT Narbonne line)

MOTHER is full sister of “FRODO” who raced 3rd prize in the Derby BROD final 2016, only 16 pigeons on the day (out off the 1 NAT Bourges line)

Very good start for this breeding pair and we woundering what the future will brings!

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