27. aug, 2017

Preparation for the breeding season 2018 is started !!

In very nice weather, we started preparation for the next year breeding season. All nestbowls and drinkers are cleaned and prepare for a new breeding season.

All breeding cocks and hens are now splitted. The very important moulting season has started and the basis for next year's breeding will take place in the coming months.

For the next year we are planning to start breeding at the end of Desember. The OLR youngster are then ready for delivery at the Houton pigeon show in 2018.

Anyway, there is still a lot of challenging OLR races left in the 2017 season. We are looking forward for the coming weeks where we already are qualified to Ostseeflug and Mira OLR final. Our birds are still participate in Corabia OLR, Ostseerennen, Costa del Sol, Talent Quatro, Algarve Golden Race, Algarve Great Derby and West Slovak Derby.

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